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Supported Projects Announced

The projects to be supported by CultureCIVIC during the second open call period of the Inter-City Networking Grants have been announced. The purpose of the Inter-City Networking Grants, which aims to foster decentralised exchange and network-building throughout Turkey, is the implementation of large-scale, inter-city projects involving cultural actors from different cities.

A total of 30 applications were made to the call, which was open between 15 August – 12 September 2022. The applications were evaluated first by the CultureCIVIC project team, then by journalist and art writer Özlem Altunok, project manager at cultural studies department of İKSV Ayberk Çelikel, Danimarka Kulturinstitut country manager Füsun Eriksen, French Embassy to Turkey's Responsible for Cooperation with Civil Society Romain Lachambre ve civil society professional Başak Tuğsavul, and the projects to be supported were determined.

Supported Projects

The list includes the name of the project, the name of the institution and the cities of activity, it has been prepared in alphabetical order according to the name of the project.

  • AÇIKalan - Kamusal ve Katılımcı Performans Etkinliği
    Genedos Kooperatifi
    Antalya, İzmir, Rize
  • Anadolu’nun Müzik Hafızaları Buluşmaları
    Anadolu Müzik Kültürleri Derneği
    Adana, Diyarbakır, Kayseri, Mersin
  • Bir Karşılaşma, Diyalog ve Katılım Aracı Olarak Feminist/Queer Biyografi Atölyesi
    Sınırlı Sorumlu ADA Eğitim Kooperatifi (Ankara Dayanışma Akademisi)
    Ankara, Diyarbakır, Van

Future Open Calls

CultureCIVIC supports projects and individuals that encourage cultural dialogue and public engagement, tolerance, freedom of speech, non-discrimination, social cohesion, individual freedoms and democratic processes. Priority is given to those activities which support rights-based activities, bringing together actors from different ethnic, religious, linguistic backgrounds and giving special importance to cross-cutting issues such as promotion of gender equality, LGBTI+ rights, social cohesion, human rights, freedom of expression and children's rights.

With a goal to reach beyond the major cultural hubs of Turkey, the programme targets individuals and institutions nationwide with 14 open calls, and expects to fund more than 1.6 million Euros for over 200 projects by March 2025. The grant programme that will provide funding for artists, art professionals and cultural institutions features four grant categories:  “Grassroots Projects”, “Structural Support”, “Inner-City Networking”, and “Art Production”.

The calendar of the open calls that will take place in 2023 can be found here.

This page is published on 7 December 2022.