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March 2022 - March 2023

Darağaç_Bostan, Darağaç_karargah, DAR mekan and alternative public/private spaces located in Umurbey neighborhood

With the REINCARNATE darağaç Project, the annual rent of two spaces (Karargah and DAR mekan) that are commonly used both for production, events and repairs in the neighbourhood, was covered. The project’s main goal was to produce furniture and create site-specific interventions with new functional designs that boast suitable infrastructure for producing publications, books and special printed artworks made from collected waste and second hand materials.

As part of its aforementioned “self-transformation goal”, the REINCARNATE darağaç Project renovated and improved the existing infrastructure including exhibition units, kitchen, bathroom and roof as well as updating technical equipment and consumables for better use. With improved access, these spaces became a platform where potential solutions to contemporary issues such as the destruction of nature in the context of upcycling and ecology, excessive consumption, and social dissolution can be discussed and implemented.

Vegetable garden winter planting
Photo: Ali CemDoğan

Darağaç temas - Urbanarts installation
Photo: Ali CemDoğan

Darağaç Var, 2020
Photo: Ali CemDoğan

Darağaç Collective

The Umurbey neighbourhood of Izmir, previously an industrial zone called Darağaç, is a residential district between the Alsancak Stadium and Halkapınar that still serves as a small industrial zone and houses artist studios. Darağaç also denotes a collection of exhibitions that have been developed through intense dialogue and discussions held between the visiting and resident artists in the neighbourhood. The main objective of Darağaç is to transform itself into a common discourse or a space where emerging artists could showcase their work compensating for a lack of eligible exhibition spaces. Darağaç has abstained from imposing any restrictions on content or form in the exhibitions it holds or events it participates in. The collective has encouraged artists to try new methods in the public sphere. Darağaç usually exhibits or hosts interdisciplinary works in painting, photography, sculpture, installation, video and performance. Darağaç also aims to transform itself into an experimental city institute of sorts.

Artists: Ayşegül Doğan - Merey Şenocak
Photo: Ali CemDoğan

This page is published on 2 March 2022.
Last update: 8 April 2022