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Imminent Arrival

May 2022 - February 2023

Imminent Arrival is a collective creative writing and mapping project for the immigrant communities living in Çanakkale.

Çanakkale, as the narrowest strait between Europe and Asia in Southern Marmara, is a harbour city featuring many references that shaped the global narrative with its cultural diversity. Imminent Arrival created new urban legends in order to transform the memory of the geographical object in the context of its relationships to ecological resources and processes.

Seminars on urban ecology, memory and mythology were followed by creative writing and ceramics workshops, where participants came together to produce public installations from ceramic epigraphs, and a map that was circulated in the city.

Imminent Arrival was a 10-month long multidisciplinary project developed by Ilayda Tunca in collaboration with !!! project, which has analysed ecological ideas about Çanakkale and its environs through memory as part of sub initiative since 2019. Researcher Berçem Gözde Ölmez, ceramic artist Büke Tozlu, guide and permaculture teacher Timuçin Şahin ve print artist Mediha Sevinç made up the facilitator team behind the seminars and workshops.

CENAL Thermal Power Plant - Ancient City of Priapos - Pasture
Karabiga, Biga, Çanakkale
Photo: İlayda Tunca, August 2020


sub has been in constant flux since it found a space for itself under a roof built over columns and beams that were laid on the walls of two adjacent buildings in a multicultural neighbourhood in Çanakkale in 2017. sub art initiative uses its physical base as a ground for exploring the possibilities for sustainability by ensuring fair use of the space. It aims to create a safe co-working, living and exhibition space where youth can freely express themselves, and find inspiration and motivation. It collaborates with artists and researchers interested in discovering new channels of social exchange for art, and offers a transparent organizational structure.

İlayda Tunca

Born in 1991 in Eskişehir, Ilayda Tunca obtained her graphic design degree from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Fine Arts University in 2017 after studying painting in high school. She founded sub, an inter-cultural space in Çanakkale. She participated at Cité internationale des arts artist residency in Paris in 2019 as part of BMCT Project, and Kültür Hattı and Yeşil Politika Okulu programs in 2021.

This page is published on 1 June 2022.