Montag Residency - Gönen
October 2023 - June 2024
This is a artist residency program and exhibition project in the Gönen district of Balıkesir, with a capacity of 6 artists.
The participants will be determined upon an open call to be made to artists who had suffered the earthquake on February 6. The project will include an online training program, production by the artists at the residency, and an event which will take place at the venue provided by the Municipality of Gönen, a participant of the project, where the artists will exhibit the outcomes of their artwork.

Eda Emirdağ
In addition to being an artist who produces in the area of visual arts, Eda Emirdağ has also created collective projects and developed and implemented participatory art projects. She shares open calls, residences and workshops in the field of art under the name “Callforart” in a non-profit manner, with the aim of democratization and dissemination of art.
She is among the founders of, which focuses on the earthquake disaster on February 6, 2023. She has included cultural labor to her career by working as a project manager on the independent art platform named ‘maumau’ and carries out various collective projects. In addition to lecturing at the university, she has joined the Kultivera artist residency program in Sweden 6 times, produced as an artist, and developed and implemented projects that bring together local people and artists.
This page is published on 8 December 2023.