Funded by
the European Union

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Goethe-Institut Istanbul and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


NFTs for ART


Disyon's NFTs for ART project aims to explain the potential of block chain technology to emerging artists and art lovers who are looking for a guide through online video-recorded interviews and training programs. Artists, who had a hard time getting out of their own social sphere of influence in the old order, are now able to communicate with the whole world with their works that they transformed into NFT via today's technology. While there has been a big breaking point in the art world with the block chain technology mainstreaming in the world in the past few years, Turkish artists have had difficulties in finding their place in this order, especially due to the limited access to technological information and language and gender barriers, and they continue to do so. Disyon aims to explain the potential of block chain technology to young artists who are still growing and looking for a guide, with an online video-recorded beginner-level training program with this project, which is designed as a video series. Disyon's training program project will be a gateway to the digital art world for many disadvantaged artists.



The purpose of disyon is to curate unique selections and print high quality, certified editions and posters. The name "disyon" comes from "edisyon" (Turkish for edition). In subtracting the letter "e", Disyon puts an emphasis on reproduction and creates a space for artists to create, print, exhibit and publish their art while making it accessible to the public.  

disyon, -aims to present a living platform tapped into the current zeitgeist and minds of younger generations.-will offer ideas on exhibiting works of art in interior spaces and will also offer creative solutions for corporate usage as well.-intends to grow as our community of collaborators flourishes.

This page is published on 23 June 2022.