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Salman Wants to Go

December 2022 - January 2024

‘Salman Gitmek İstiyor’ (Salman Wants to Go) is a film project about a Senegalese asylum seeker living in Turkey. He dreams of passing on to Europe to continue his unfinished university education and to financially support his family. During his time in Turkey, he works in different jobs to save money to go to Europe. A journey begins towards his dreams and memory of moving to Europe.

Ozan Takış

Ozan Takış was born in Kayseri in 1985.

Şekirê Pembû, Uyanış, Kesik and Fotoğraf are short films, while Salman Gitmek İstiyor and Ben, Zuhal are documentaries. His short films received national and international awards and are screened on national digital platforms.

Having participated in the Istanbul Film Festival with his first feature film project “İnce Bir Alaydan,” he received the Köprüde Buluşmalar Platform Award at the Köprüde Buluşmalar Film Development Workshop, where he developed his first feature film project.

He currently works as a director, screenwriter and producer.

This page is published on 8 December 2023.